
MIT Unlocks Mystery Behind Brain Imaging Star-Shaped Brain Cells Shown To Play Key Role

In work that solves a long-standing mystery in neuroscience, researchers at MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory have shown for the first time that star-shaped brain cells called astrocytes-previously considered bit players by most neuroscientists-make noninvasive brain scans possible.

Imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) have transformed neuroscience, providing colorful maps of brain activity in living subjects. The scans' reds, oranges, yellows and blues represent changes in blood flow and volume triggered by neural activity. But until the MIT study, reported in the June 20 issue of Science, no one knew exactly why this worked.

source: Medical News Today

1 comment:

megha said...

astrocytes.... nice name though!

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