
Extremely Low Dose CT Coronary Angiography Shows Promise In Assessing Cardiac Function

Extremely low dose CT coronary angiography can be used to measure cardiac function and has the potential for use when other commonly used examinations are limited, a preliminary study indicates.

"CT coronary angiography provides a wealth of data about cardiac structure and function; however, CT coronary angiography uses a high radiation dose and other examinations, such as echocardiography and nuclear medicine examinations, can evaluate structure and function with no or low radiation dose," said Gregory G. Gladish, MD, of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and the lead author of the study. "Our goal was to determine if we could reduce the amount of radiation in the CT examination so that it would be at the same level or lower than the level of radiation used in the nuclear medicine examination," Dr. Gladish said.

source: Medical News Today

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