
Greater Efficiency And Diagnostic Certainty In Cardiac MRI

Now functional cardiac analysis is performed even faster than before with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - thanks to a new software module from Siemens: the new "Inline Ventricular Function" (Inline VF) enables full automatic detection of heart contours and their motion during image acquisition. Physicists can accurately evaluate cardiac functioning immediately after the scan. Previously, the image data had to be transferred to post-processing consoles, and frequently contours had to be post-processed manually. Functional data are extremely important for the evaluation of myocardial infarction or myocarditis. They are also equally necessary when determining indications for ICD implants implantable cardioverter-defibrillator).

Inline VF is integrated as a software module directly into the acquisition sequence, enabling calculation of functional data already during image acquisition. The heart is localized on MR images automatically; the system detects the inner and outer contours and generates the functional data without additional mouse clicks. Already now MRI is the gold standard for functional cardiac diagnostics, the efficient workflow means that even more patients will be able to benefit from this radiation-free cardiological procedure.

source article from Medical News Today

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